1679 habeas Corpus (Texte)

Acte d’Habeas Corpus voté le 27 mai 1679 par le Parlement anglais



Attendu que de grands retards se sont produits dans le renvoi des writs d'Habeas Corpus, du fait des sheriffs, geôliers et autres officiers à la garde desquels les sujets du Roi ont été remis pour des affaires criminelles ou supposées criminelles, et que ces officiers ont recouru à d'autres moyens en vue d'éviter de se conformer à ces writs, contrairement à leurs devoirs et aux lois connues du pays, à la suite desquels retards de nombreux sujets du Roi ont été et peuvent être par la suite maintenus longtemps en prison, à leur grand dam et vexation, dans des cas où la loi autorise leur mise en liberté sous caution;

En vue d'éviter cet état de choses et de hâter le plus possible la libération de toutes personnes emprisonnées pour ces affaires criminelles ou supposées criminelles; qu'il soit décidé par Sa Majesté le Roi, sur l'avis et avec le consentement des lords spirituels et temporels et des communes assemblées dans le présent Parlement, et par leur autorité,

II. Lorsqu'une personne sera porteur d'un habeas corpus adressé à un shérif, geôlier ou autre officier, en faveur d'une personne soumise à leur garde, et que cet habeas corpus sera présenté aux dits officiers ou laissé à la prison à un des sous-officiers, ceux-ci devront, dans les trois jours de cette présentation (à moins que l'emprisonnement n'ait eu lieu pour cause de trahison ou de félonie, exprimée dans le warrant), sur l'offre faite de payer les frais nécessaires pour emmener le prisonnier, fixés par le juge ou par la Cour d'où émane l'habeas corpus (frais qui ne pourront excéder douze deniers par mille), et après sûreté donnée par écrit de payer également les frais nécessaires pour ramener le prisonnier, si le cas échoit, et après garantie que le prisonnier ne s'évadera pas en route, renvoyer cet ordre ou writ et représenter l'individu devant le lord chancelier ou les juges de la Cour d'où émane le writ, ou devant telle autre personne qui doit en connaître le motif. D'après la teneur dudit writ, l'officier devra de même déclarer le motif de la détention.

Ce délai de trois jours n'est applicable que lorsque le lieu de la prison n'est pas éloigné de plus de vingt milles mais non de cent milles; alors le geôlier ou autres officiers auront dix jours, et vingt au-delà de cent milles.

III. Tous les writs d'habeas corpus porteront ces mots : Per stat. tricesimo primo Caroli secundi regis, et seront signés par celui de qui ils émanent. Si une personne est, pendant le temps de vacation, emprisonnée ou détenue pour crime, excepté pour ceux de félonie ou de trahison exprimés dans les warrants, elle aura le choix (à moins qu'elle ne soit déjà convaincue ou condamnée), ou tout autre à sa place, de s'adresser au lord chancelier ou à tout autre juge de tel ou tel tribunal, ou aux barons de la cour de l'Échiquier; et le lord chancelier, les juges ou barons sont requis de délivrer sur le vu des copies des warrants d'emprisonnement ou de détention, ou sur le serment que ces copies ont été refusées, et après requête par écrit des détenus, ou de toutes autres personnes à leur place, attestée alors par deux témoins présents lorsqu'elle leur a été remise, un habeas corpus, sous le sceau de la Cour à laquelle appartiendra l'un des juges, adressé à l'officier à la garde duquel sera soumis le détenu, lequel habeas corpus devra être renvoyé immédiatement devant le lord chancelier ou tel juge ou baron desdites Cours ; et après que le writ lui aura été présenté, l'officier ou la personne commise par lui, représentera le prisonnier devant le lord chancelier ou tels autres juges, ou devant celui d'entre eux désigné par ledit writ, et, dans le cas d'absence de ce dernier, devant tout autre d'entre eux, en représentant toutefois ledit writ, et en faisant connaître les causes de l'emprisonnement ou a détention ; après quoi, dans l'espace de deux jours, le lord chancelier ou tel autre juge délivrera le prisonnier en recevant sa reconnaissance, et comme sûreté, une somme telle qu'ils la jugeront à propos, eu égard à la qualité du prisonnier ou à la nature du délit, pour s'assurer qu'il comparaîtra à la session prochaine devant la Cour du Roi, ou aux plus proches assises, ou sessions, ou tournées de la Cour d'élargissement général (goal-delivery) dans le comté ou dans le lieu de la prison, ou de l'offense commise, ou devant telle autre Cour qui doit connaître du délit. Le writ et son return, ainsi que la reconnaissance, seront représentés dans la Cour où doit avoir lieu la comparution.

Tout ceci n'a pas lieu s'il est constant pour lesdits chancelier, juges ou barons, que le prisonnier est détenu sur une action légale pour laquelle le prisonnier ne peut être reçu à donner caution, d'après un writ ou warrant signé et scellé de la main ou du sceau de quelques-uns desdits juges ou barons, ou de quelque juge de paix.

IV. Si une personne a volontairement négligé, pendant deux termes entiers depuis son emprisonnement, de demander un habeas corpus, elle ne pourra plus l'obtenir dans le temps des vacances.

V. Si un officier, ou son suppléant, néglige de répondre au writ d'habeas corpus, ou de représenter le prisonnier, conformément à ce writ, ou s'il refuse à la demande du prisonnier, ou de toute autre personne pour lui, de délivrer, ou s'il ne délivre pas dans six heures copie des warrants d'emprisonnement et de détention, il payera à la partie lésée 100 livres pour la première offense, et 200 livres pour la seconde, et sera déclaré incapable de remplir son office.

Ces condamnations seront recouvrées par le plaignant, ses exécuteurs ou administrateurs contre le délinquant par forme d'action en dettes, etc., dans l'une des cours à Westminster; une première condamnation à la poursuite d'une partie lésée sera une preuve suffisante d'une première offense, et une seconde condamnation pour toute offense survenue depuis le premier jugement, une preuve pour une seconde.

VI. Aucune personne, élargie en vertu d'un habeas corpus, ne peut être emprisonnée de nouveau pour le même délit si ce n'est par l'ordre ou l'action légale de la Cour dans laquelle elle est obligée de reparaître par sa reconnaissance, ou de toute autre Cour compétente, et si une personne ré emprisonne ou fait ré emprisonner, sciemment pour le même délit, quelque personne élargie comme on vient de le dire, elle sera condamnée à 500 livres envers la partie lésée.

VII. Si une personne emprisonnée pour haute trahison ou félonie, exprimée dans le warrant, demande en pleine Cour, la première semaine du terme ou le premier jour de la session des commissions d'oyer et terminer ou d'élargissement général, à être mise en jugement, elle ne pourra être ajournée aux termes ou aux sessions prochaines. Les juges du banc du roi, de la commission d'oyer et terminer, où tous autres sus désignés sont requis de mettre le prisonnier en liberté sous caution, sur une requête présentée à la Cour le dernier jour du terme des sessions ou des assises de la commission d'élargissement général; à moins qu'il ne paraisse aux juges, sur serment que les témoins pour le roi ne peuvent être produits pour le même terme; et si la personne emprisonnée, comme on vient de le dire, n'est pas, sur sa demande d'être mise en jugement, poursuivie et jugée le second terme, elle sera mise en liberté.

VIII. Les dispositions de cet acte ne sont point applicables pour la délivrance d'une personne en matière civile.

IX. Un sujet de ce royaume commis à la garde d'un officier, si ce n'est en vertu d'un habeas corpus ou d'un autre writ légal, ou lorsque le prisonnier est livré au constable ou à tout autre officier inférieur, pour le conduire à quelque prison commune, ou lorsqu'il est envoyé par ordre de quelque juge d'assises ou juge de paix à quelque maison de travail ou de correction, ou lorsqu'il est transféré d'un lieu à un autre du même comté pour être jugé, ou dans le cas d'un incendie subit ou d'une épidémie ou de toute autre force majeure ; et les personnes qui signeront ou contresigneront un warrant pour un transfert contraire à cet acte encourront, de même que l'officier qui les mettra à exécutions les amendes ci-dessus mentionnées, tant pour la première que pour la seconde offense en faveur de la partie lésée.

X. Il sera loisible à tout prisonnier d'obtenir son habeas corpus soit du chancelier de l'Échiquier, soit du banc du roi ou de la Cour des plaids communs ; et si le lord chancelier ou tout juge ou baron de l'Échiquier, en vacation, sur le vu des copies de l'ordre d'emprisonnement ou de détention, ou sur le serment que ces copies ont été refusées, refuse lui-même l'habeas corpus voulu par cet acte, il sera condamné à 500 livres envers la partie lésée.

XI. Un habeas corpus conformément à cet acte aura force sur les terres d'un comte palatin, dans les cinq ports et autres lieux privilégiés, de même que dans les îles de Jersey et de Guernesey.

XII. Aucun sujet de ce royaume, habitant de l'Angleterre, du pays de Galles ou de Berwick, ne pourra être envoyé prisonnier en Ecosse, en Irlande, à Jersey, à Guernesey ou dans tout autre lieu au delà des mers : tout emprisonnement semblable est par cela même déclaré illégal. Un sujet ainsi emprisonné peut intenter une action de faux emprisonnement aux Cours quelconques de Sa Majesté, ou exercer un recours contre les personnes par lesquelles il sera ainsi arrêté, emprisonné et détenu, et contre toute autre personne qui aura provoqué, écrit, signé ou contresigné un warrant ou tout autre écrit pour de tels actes, de même que contre ceux qui l'auront conseillé ou qui y auront donné leur consentement. Dans ce cas, l'offensé pourra exiger trois fois le montant des frais du procès, et en outre des dommages et intérêts qui ne pourront être fixés à moins de 500 livres, dans laquelle action nuls délais ne seront accordés sous préjudice de l'exécution des règlements des Cours, pour certains cas spéciaux prévus par ces règlements; et toute personne qui écrira, signera ou contresignera un warrant pour un semblable emprisonnement ou détention, ou qui emprisonnera quelqu'un contrairement à cet acte, ou qui y aura concouru, sera déclarée incapable de remplir une charge de confiance ou lucrative, encourra les peines du statut de proemunire et ne pourra être absoute par le Roi desdites forfaitures.

XIII. Cet acte ne pourra profiter à celui qui se sera engagé par écrit avec tout négociant, propriétaire dans les colonies, ou autre, à être transporté dans quelque pays au-delà des mers.

XIV. Si une personne convaincue de félonie demande à être transportée, et que pour le fait commis, la Cour juge convenable de la laisser en prison, cette personne pourra être transportée au-delà des mers.

XV. Si une personne résidant dans ce royaume a commis un crime capital en Ecosse, en Irlande ou dans toute autre île ou colonie étrangère soumise au Roi, cette personne pourra être transportée dans ce lieu pour v être jugée comme par le passé.


XVII. Aucune personne ne sera poursuivie pour contravention à cet acte que dans les deux années qui suivront la contravention, dans le cas où la partie offensée ne sera plus en prison; et, si elle est en prison, dans deux ans après son décès ou après sa sortie de prison.

XVIII. Dès le moment que les assises auront été annoncées dans un comté, personne ne pourra, par suite de cet acte, être transféré de la prison commune, sur un habeas corpus, que pour être emmené devant le juge de l'assise en pleine Cour.

XIX. Après les assises closes, on ne pourra, en vertu de cet acte, avoir son habeas corpus.

XX. Si une action est intentée pour une contravention à cette loi, les défendeurs peuvent plaider l'issue générale, c'est-à-dire qu'ils ne sont pas coupables (no guilty), ou qu'ils ne doivent rien.

XXI. Lorsqu'une personne sera emprisonnée par un juge de paix ou autre, et chargée comme complice avant le fait de petite trahison (petty treason), ou de félonie, ou qu'elle sera soupçonnée de petite trahison ou de félonie exprimées dans l'ordre d'arrestation, cette personne pourra, en vertu de cet acte, être élargie sous caution

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Texte original


Whereas great delays have been used by sheriffs, gaolers and other officers, to whose custody any of the King's subjects have been committed for criminal or supposed criminal matters, in making returns of writs of habeas corpus to them directed, by standing out an alias and pluries habeas corpus, and sometimes more, and by other shifts to avoid their yielding obedience to such writs, contrary to their duty and the known laws of the land, whereby many of the King's subjects have been and hereafter may be long detained in prison, in such cases where by law they are bailable, to their great charges and vexation:

II. For the prevention whereof, and the more speedy relief of all persons imprisoned for any such criminal or supposed criminal matters; (2) be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority thereof, That whensoever any person or persons shall bring any habeas corpus directed unto any sheriff or sheriffs, gaoler, minister or other person whatsoever, for any person in his or her custody, and the said writ shall be served upon the said officer, or left at the gaol or prison with any of the under-officers, under-keepers or deputy of the said officers or keepers, that the said officer or officers, his or their under-officers, under-keepers or deputies, shall within three days after the service thereof as aforesaid (unless the commitment aforesaid were for treason or felony, plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment) upon payment or tender of the charges of bringing the said prisoner, to be ascertained by the judge or court that awarded the same, and endorsed upon the said writ, not exceeding twelve pence per mile, and upon security given by his own bond to pay the charges of carrying back the prisoner, if he shall be remanded by the court or judge to which he shall be brought according to the true intent of this present act, and that he will not make any escape by the way, make return of such writ; (3) and bring or cause to be brought the body of the party so committed or restrained, unto or before the lord chancellor, or lord keeper of the great seal of England for the time being, or the judges or barons of the said court from whence the said writ shall issue, or unto and before such other person or persons before whom the said writ is made returnable, according to the command thereof; (4) and shall then likewise certify the true causes of his detainer or imprisonment, unless the commitment of the said party be in any place beyond the distance of twenty miles from the place or places where such court or person is or shall be residing; and if beyond the distance of twenty miles, and not above one hundred miles, then within the space of ten days, and if beyond the distance of one hundred miles, then within the space of twenty days, after such delivery aforesaid, and not longer.

III. And to the intent that no sheriff, gaoler or other officer may pretend ignorance of the import of any such writ; (2) be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all such writs shall be marked in this manner, Per statutum tricesimo primo Caroli secundi Regis, and shall be signed by the person that awards the same; (3) and if any person or persons shall be or stand committed or detained as aforesaid, for any crime, unless for felony or treason plainly expressed in the warrant of commitment, in the vacation-time, and out of term, it shall and may be lawful to and for the person or persons so committed or detained (other than persons convict or in execution by legal process) or any one on his or their behalf, to appeal or complain to the lord chancellor or lord keeper, or any one of his Majesty's justices, either of the one bench or of the other, or the barons of the exchequer of the degree of the coif; (4) and the said lord chancellor, lord keeper, justices or barons or any of them, upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant or warrants of commitment and detainer, or otherwise upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied to be given by such person or persons in whose custody the prisoner or prisoners is or are detained, are hereby authorized and required, upon request made in writing by such person or persons, or any on his, her or their behalf, attested and subscribed by two witnesses who were present at the delivery of the same, to award and grant an habeas corpus under the seal of such court whereof he shall then be one of the judges, (5) to be directed to the officer or officers in whose custody the party so committed or detained shall be, returnable immediate before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or such justice, baron or any other justice or baron of the degree of the coif of any of the said courts; (6) and upon service thereof as aforesaid, the officer or officers, his or their under-officer or under-officers, under-keeper or under-keepers, or their deputy, in whose custody the party is so committed or detained, shall within the times respectively before limited, bring such prisoner or prisoners before the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or such justices, barons or one of them, before whom the said writ is made returnable, and in case of his absence before any other of them, with the return of such writ, and the true causes of the commitment and detainer; (7) and thereupon within two days after the party shall be brought before them, the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or such justice or baron before whom the prisoner shall be brought as aforesaid, shall discharge the said prisoner from his imprisonment, taking his or their recognizance, with one or more surety or sureties, in any sum according to their discretions, having regard to the quality of the prisoner and nature of the offence, for his or their appearance in the court of King's bench the term following, or at the next assizes, sessions or general gaol-delivery of and for such county, city or place where the commitment was, or where the offence was committed, or in such other court where the said offence is properly cognizable, as the case shall require, and then shall certify the said writ with the return thereof, and the said recognizance or recognizances into the said court where such appearance is to be made; (8) unless it shall appear unto the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or justice or justices, or baron or barons, that the party so committed is detained upon a legal process, order or warrant, out of some court that hath jurisdiction of criminal matters, or by some warrant signed and sealed with the hand and seal of any of the said justices or barons, or some justice or justices of the peace, for such matters or offences for the which by the law the prisoner is not bailable.

IV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any person shall have wilfully neglected by the space of two whole terms after his imprisonment, to pray a habeas corpus for his enlargement, such person so wilfully neglecting shall not have any habeas corpus to be granted in vacation-time, in pursuance of this act.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any officer or officers, his or their under-officer or under-officers, under-keeper or under-keepers, or deputy, shall neglect or refuse to make the returns aforesaid, or to bring the body or bodies of the prisoner or prisoners according to the command of the said writ, within the respective times aforesaid, or upon demand made by the prisoner or person in his behalf, shall refuse to deliver, or within the space of six hours after demand shall not deliver, to the person so demanding, a true copy of the warrant or warrants of commitment and detainer of such prisoner, which he and they are hereby required to deliver accordingly, all and every the head gaolers and keepers of such prisons, and such other person in whose custody the prisoner shall be detained, shall for the first offence forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved the sum of one hundred pounds; (2) and for the second offence the sum of two hundred pounds, and shall and is hereby made incapable to hold or execute his said office; (3) the said penalties to be recovered by the prisoner or party grieved, his executors or administrators, against such offender, his executors or administrators, by any action of debt, suit, bill, plaint or information, in any of the King's courts at Westminster, wherein no essoin, protection, privilege, injunction, wager of law, or stay of prosecution by Non vult ulterius prosequi, or otherwise, shall be admitted or allowed, or any more than one imparlance; (4) and any recovery or judgment at the suit of any party grieved, shall be a sufficient conviction for the first offence; and any after recovery or judgment at the suit of a party grieved for any offence after the first judgment, shall be a sufficient conviction to bring the officers or person within the said penalty for the second offence.

VI. And for the prevention of unjust vexation by reiterated commitments for the same offence; (2) be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person or persons which shall be delivered or set at large upon any habeas corpus, shall at any time hereafter be again imprisoned or committed for the same offence by any person or persons whatsoever, other than by the legal order and process of such court wherein he or they shall be bound by recognizance to appear, or other court having jurisdiction of the cause; (3) and if any other person or persons shall knowingly contrary to this act recommit or imprison, or knowingly procure or cause to be recommitted or imprisoned, for the same offence or pretended offence, any person or persons delivered or set at large as aforesaid, or be knowingly aiding or assisting therein, then he or they shall forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved the sum of five hundred pounds; any colourable pretence or variation in the warrant or warrants of commitment notwithstanding, to be recovered as aforesaid.

VII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall be committed for high treason or felony, plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment, upon his prayer or petition in open court the first week of the term, or first day of the sessions of oyer and terminer or general gaol-delivery, to be brought to his trial, shall not be indicted some time in the next term, sessions of oyer and terminer or general gaol-delivery, after such commitment; it shall and may be lawful to and for the judges of the court of King's bench and justices of oyer and terminer or general gaol-delivery, and they are hereby required, upon motion to them made in open court the last day of the term, sessions or gaol-delivery, either by the prisoner or any one in his behalf, to set at liberty the prisoner upon bail, unless it appear to the judges and justices upon oath made, that the witnesses for the King could not be produced the same term, sessions or general gaol-delivery; (2) and if any person or persons committed as aforesaid, upon his prayer or petition in open court the first week of the term or first day of the sessions of oyer and terminer and general gaol-delivery, to be brought to his trial, shall not be indicted and tried the second term, sessions of oyer and terminer or general gaol-delivery, after his commitment, or upon his trial shall be acquitted, he shall be discharged from his imprisonment.

VIII. Provided always, That nothing in this act shall extend to discharge out of prison any person charged in debt, or other action, or with process in any civil cause, but that after he shall be discharged of his imprisonment for such his criminal offence, he shall be kept in custody according to the law, for such other suit.

IX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons, subjects of this realm, shall be committed to any prison or in custody of any officer or officers whatsoever, for any criminal or supposed criminal matter, that the said person shall not be removed from the said prison and custody into the custody of any other officer or officers; (2) unless it be by habeas corpus or some other legal writ; or where the prisoner is delivered to the constable or other inferior officer to carry such prisoner to some common gaol; (3) or where any person is sent by order of any judge or assize or justice of the peace, to any common workhouse or house of correction; (4) or where the prisoner is removed from one prison or place to another within the same county, in order to his or her trial or discharge in due course of law; (5) or in case of sudden fire or infection, or other necessity; (6) and if any person or persons shall after such commitment aforesaid make out and sign, or countersign any warrant or warrants for such removal aforesaid, contrary to this act; as well he that makes or signs, or countersigns such warrant or warrants, as the officer or officers that obey or execute the same, shall suffer and incur the pains and forfeitures in this act before mentioned, both for the first and second offence respectively, to be recovered in manner aforesaid by the party grieved.

X. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any prisoner and prisoners as aforesaid, to move and obtain his or their habeas corpus as well out of the high court of chancery or court of exchequer, as out of the courts of King's bench or common pleas, or either of them; (2) and if the said lord chancellor or lord keeper, or any judge or judges, baron or barons for the time being, of the degree of the coif, of any of the courts aforesaid, in the vacation time, upon view of the copy or copies of the warrant or warrants of commitment or detainer, or upon oath made that such copy or copies were denied as aforesaid, shall deny any writ of habeas corpus by this act required to be granted, being moved for as aforesaid, they shall severally forfeit to the prisoner or party grieved the sum of five hundred pounds, to be recovered in manner aforesaid.

XI. And be it declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, That an habeas corpus according to the true intent and meaning of this act, may be directed and run into any county palatine, the cinque-ports, or other privileged places within the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed, and the islands of Jersey or Guernsey; any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

XII. And for preventing illegal imprisonments in prisons beyond the seas; (2) be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no subject of this realm that now is, or hereafter shall be an inhabitant or resiant of this kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed, shall or may be sent prisoner into Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, Tangier, or into parts, garrisons, islands or places beyond the seas, which are or at any time hereafter shall be within or without the dominions of his Majesty, his heirs or successors; (3) and that every such imprisonment is hereby enacted and adjudged to be illegal; (4) and that if any of the said subjects now is or hereafter shall be so imprisoned, every such person and persons so imprisoned, shall and may for every such imprisonment maintain by virtue of this act an action or actions of false imprisonment, in any of his Majesty's courts of record, against the person or persons by whom he or she shall be so committed, detained, imprisoned, sent prisoner or transported, contrary to the true meaning of this act, and against all or any person or persons that shall frame, contrive, write, seal or countersign any warrant or writing for such commitment, detainer, imprisonment or transportation, or shall be advising, aiding or assisting, in the same, or any of them; (5) and the plaintiff in every such action shall have judgment to recover his treble costs, besides damages, which damages so to be given, shall not be less than five hundred pounds; (6) in which action no delay stay or stop of proceeding by rule, order or command, nor no injunction, protection or privilege whatsoever, nor any more than one imparlance shall be allowed, excepting such rule of the court wherein the action shall depend, made in open court, as shall be thought in justice necessary, for special cause to be expressed in the said rule; (7) and the person or persons who shall knowingly frame, contrive, write, seal or countersign any warant for such commitment, detainer or transportation, or shall so commit, detain, imprison or transport any person or persons contrary to this act, or be any ways advising, aiding or assisting therein, being lawfully convicted thereof, shall be disabled from thenceforth to bear any office of trust or profit within the said realm of England, dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon Tweed, or any of the islands, territories or dominions thereunto belonging; (8) and shall incur and sustain the pains, penalties and forfeitures limited, ordained and provided in and by the statute of provision and praemunire made in the sixteenth year of King Richard the Second; (9) and be incapable of any pardon from the King, his heirs or successors, of the said forfeitures, losses or disabilities, or any of them.

XIII. Provided always, That nothing in this act shall extend to give benefit to any person who shall by contract in writing agree with any merchant or owner of any plantation, or other person whatsoever, to be transported to any parts beyond the seas, and receive earnest upon such agreement, although that afterwards such person shall renounce such contract.

XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any person or persons lawfully convicted of any felony, shall in open court pray to be transported beyond the seas, and the court shall think fit to leave him or them in prison for that purpose, such person or persons may be transported into any parts beyond the seas, this act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XV. Provided also, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed, construed or taken, to extend to the imprisonment of any person before the first day of June one thousand six hundred seventy and nine, or to any thing advised, procured, or otherwise done, relating to such imprisonment; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XVI. Provided also, That if any person or persons at any time resiant in this realm, shall have committed any capital offence in Scotland or Ireland, or any of the islands, or foreign plantations of the King, his heirs or successors, where he or she ought to be tried for such offence, such person or persons may be sent to such place, there to receive such trial, in such manner as the same might have been used before the making of this act; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

XVII. Provided also, and be it enacted, That no person or persons shall be sued, impleaded, molested, or troubled for any offence against this act, unless the party offending be sued or impleaded for the same within two years at the most after such time wherein the offence shall be committed, in case the party grieved shall not be then in prison; and if he shall be in prison, then within the space of two years after the decease of the person imprisoned, or his or her delivery out of prison, which shall first happen.

XVIII. And to the intent no person may avoid his trial at the assizes or general gaol-delivery, by procuring his removal before the assizes, at such time as he cannot be brought back to receive his trial there; (2) be it enacted, That after the assizes proclaimed for that county where the prisoner is detained, no person shall be removed from the common gaol upon any habeas corpus granted in pursuance of this act, but upon any such habeas corpus shall be brought before the judge of assize in open court, who is thereupon to do what to justice shall appertain.

XIX. Provided nevertheless, That after the assizes are ended, any person or persons detained, may have his or her habeas corpus according to the direction and intention of this act.

XX. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any information, suit or action shall be brought or exhibited against any person or persons for any offence committed or to be committed against the form of this law, it shall be lawful for such defendants to plead the general issue, that they are not guilty, or that they owe nothing, and to give such special matter in evidence to the jury that shall try the same, which matter being pleaded had been good and sufficient matter in law to have discharged the said defendant or defendants against the said information, suit or action, and the said matter shall be then as available to him or them, to all intents and purposes, as if he or they had sufficiently pleaded, set forth or alledged the same matter in bar or discharge of such information suit or action.

XXI. And because many times persons charged with petty treason or felony, or as accessaries thereunto, are committed upon suspicion only, whereupon they are bailable, or not, according as the circumstances making out that suspicion are more or less weighty, which are best known to the justices of peace that committed the persons, and have the examinations before them, or to other justices of the peace in the county; (2) be it therefore enacted, That where any person shall appear to be committed by any judge or justice of the peace and charged as accessary before the fact, to any petty treason or felony, or upon suspicion thereof, or with suspicion of petty treason or felony, which petty treason or felony shall be plainly and specially expressed in the warrant of commitment, that such person shall not be removed or bailed by virtue of this act, or in any other manner than they might have been before the making of this act.


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